  • I am interested in collecting stamps, and have many Chinese and United States stamps. I want to sell or exchange them with friends on the Web, so I can buy more stamps I really really want.

  • This page is best viewed on 1024x768 or better resolution on your monitor, 800x600 is so-so.

  • You can preview beautiful Chinese stamps in the right bottom window, by selecting the stamps name in the right upper window.

  • Order Process:
    1. If you are interested in any stamps, just note the ID No for each set of stamp, when you are browsing my stamp homepage.
    2. Then click Order in the left menu window. Fill in my one-minute order form, and send it in. Make sure you have the right email address.
    3. Once I get the order email, I will check the availability and give you a response email, the same day in most cases.
    4. Then you can sent me a check to the address I give to you in response email, including your correct snail-mail address.
    5. Once I confirm your check, I will mail you the beautiful Chinese stamps safely on the same day.

  • If you are interest in me, check my personal homepage here.

  • If you want to contact me, email me please.

You can email me at